Your tutor

About Me
From early childhood I was inspired to appreciate stone by my Geologist father. Growing up in the North Yorkshire moors I was surrounded by the colourful Yorkshire sandstone, which I gleefully attacked with the hammer I had been given for my 8th birthday! Shaping, carving and appreciating sculpture has subsequently never been absent from my life. I completed my apprenticeship in Cabinet making in Germany in 1982. This was followed by a violin making apprenticeship, involving intricate woodcarving. A Teachers training course was attended which led to teaching Art and Craft for four years, two of which were in Africa. Whilst there, I was inspired to draw and sculpt the African facial features on paper, wood and stone. Intensive stone carving followed from 2007, where I specialised in Adze carving (in preference to the more common chisel and mallet method). I created a Studio in Bulgaria, where I still carve the brilliant white limestone of Basarbovo; the same limestone that has been used to create the beautiful Indian Neasden Temple in Wembley. My introduction to sculpting marble took place on the exotic island of Thassos, Greece, tutored by the island’s most famous sculptor, Kostas Lovoulos. For the Sculpting courses that I offer, we carve the local soft Cotswold ( Bath ) Oolitic limestone, which is ideal for beginners and intermediates. It allows students to complete a sculpture within the two day course. I greatly enjoy enabling others to become happily creative, in ways they might otherwise not have realised.